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Carnelian is most commonly found in Brazil, India, Siberia and Germany. Carnelian is an orange colored Chalcedony, the color varies from pale pinkish- orange to deep rusty brown.

Carnelian was used widely during Roman times to make engraved gems for signet or seal rings for imprinting a seal with wax on correspondence or other important documents.


Carnelian has been used since ancient times for its healing properties. It was believed to give its wearer courage in battle, often seen along with other Agates on the breastplates of armor. It was also used to help timid speakers become bold.

In ancient Egypt, Egyptians wore carnelian jewelry on their bodies as a source of constant renewal and vitality. They also buried their loved ones with Carnelian jewelry and gemstones as it was thought to protect their loved ones on their journey to the afterlife and to calm their fears about rebirth.


Carnelian stone jewelry is worn to increase personal power, physical energy, courage and creativity. It activates the 2nd sacral chakra, bringing a surge of life force, sexual and creative energies.

Carnelian can also diminish feelings of anger, jealousy and fear, helping you to feel more in control of your emotions and overall life.

When you want to take major action, Carnelian is the gemstone for you. It helps you have the courage to take that “leap of faith” you've been too afraid to take. It can also help those who often tend to procrastinate, especially when it comes to life decisions.