Benedicte de Boysson wants to pay respect to those stones which have all different meanings and properties and carry deep-rooted traditions.
Our pieces feature a unique mix of diamonds and precious stones, charged with energy and deeper spiritual symbol.
“Colored stones are the mirror of our soul’s needs”
Gren Agate
Agate stones can be found around the world in places like Brazil, Egypt, Nepal, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico and the USA. Agate can be found in various colors: Green, Black, Orange, Purple, Blue. Agate got its name from a place in ancient Sicily, where philosopher Theophrastus found an agate stone while walking along the shore of the river Achates.
Agate properties are tightly connected to the energy of the Earth. They are thought to bring harmony to all aspects of the being, physical, spiritual and emotional, balancing the yin and yang and opening the chakras to a well-tempered soul. If you are trying to adopt healthier habits, agate’s healing properties are beneficial for focusing on the end goal and providing you with support.
Ancient Islamic cultures believed that agate could ward off the evil eye and tragedies. Similarly, Babylonians also believed that agate properties could be used to dispel evil energy. The ancient Egyptians, however, believed agate would offer protection against natural disasters like lightnings. Persians also believed that agate stone could be used to defend against storms.In the ancient Chinese tradition, the power of agate gemstone was more internal. They believed that agate crystal meaning was one of spiritual protection and could stimulate one’s life force while cleansing their mind to make space for good luck and fortune.
Found in as many places as Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Africa, Canada, Russia, USA and Europe, this stone has a rich history which transcends geographical boundaries and civilizations. In neolithic Europe it was perceived as a mere decorative emblem, Ancient Greeks and Romans used amethyst in several ways from beads in jewelry to amulets. Both civilizations placed high value in this stone, believing it was synonymous with luxury.
Amethyst healing properties are as plentiful as the stone itself. It is mostly perceived as a protective stone. As it is linked to the crown chakra, it helps purify the mind and clearing it of negative thoughts, including stress and anxiety.
Amethyst healing properties are especially useful when it comes to work-related stress, because the stone is so strongly associated with abundance; therefore, relieving stress while releasing prosperity.
Interestingly enough, the name amethyst translates in Greek to, “not drunken.” An ancient Greek myth explains this seemingly odd name. Dionysus the God of wine and fertility was pursuing a young maiden named Amethyst, who resisted his affections and had prayed to remain chaste. Answering her prayer, Diana transformed her into a white stone, upon which, Bacchus, remorseful for the fate he had so recklessly caused the girl, poured the juice of grapes as an offering, and thus bestowed the crystal with its unique purple coloring.
Blue Chalcedony
Blue Chalcedony comes from Austria, Great Britain, Namibia, Spain, and the United States. In antiquity, the name Chalcedony referred to a specific translucent mineral whose color ranged from milky-white to pale blue. The name Chalcedony is believed to come from the ancient seaport of Chacedon, which today is a district in modern Istanbul, Turkey.
Blue Chalcedony is also known as the "speaker stone" as it brings wisdom to our words, giving us the courage to overcome stage fears. It encourages reflection and meditation. If you are holding onto pain from the past, Blue Chalcedony can help you to release it.
The ancient Mediterranean civilizations of Greece, Egypt, and Rome, all known for their philosophers and writers, prized Chalcedon. The great Roman orator, Cicero, is said to have worn one around his neck. Chalcedony is considered a sacred stone by many Native American tribes and was used to promote stability during ceremonies. It is still in use today for meditations, and as a pathway for receiving successful thought transmissions.
Black Jade
Jade has been discovered all over the world, from Asia to Europe to Central America. Due to its hardness, Black Jade was used to making primitive tools like knives and ax heads. Jadeite and Nephrite are two distinct minerals, both of which are commonly called “Jade.” In China and Japan, as well as in the Aztec language, the words for “Jade” and “precious stone” are, in fact, identical.
Black jade is said to be beneficial for the mind and spirit, helping to promote calmness and clarity and to reduce stress and anxiety. It is believed to be a stone of protection and can be used to ward off negative energy. Black Jade is a great crystal for self-reflection and mastering self-control. It promotes healthy living. It helps you focus your thoughts on the light, joyful, and peaceful things in life.
Known as a "Dream Stone", Black Jade was used by ancient cultures as a way to easily access the spiritual world. It opens you up to the power of lucid dreaming and problem solving during your nighttime adventures.
Its name derives from the French word for lemon, which explains its color varies from yellow, orange and to brownish yellow. Found naturally in Brazil, Africa, Madagascar, Spain, Russia, France, Scotland and USA. This gemstone has been an ornamental gem for civilizations as early as 300 B.C., and a favorite with jewelry makers since the ancient Greeks and Romans.
There are many hidden meanings in the use of Citrine. Known as The Merchant’s Stone or The Success Stone, the Citrine properties of wealth and abundance are some of its most well known. If seeking abundance in financial or business ventures, this is the stone to wear.It enhances mental clarity and allows for the flow of ideas and visualizing as it is associated with the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras. By connecting with the sacral chakra, the citrine healing properties are most effective in stimulating an increase in sexual and creative fertility. It carries a sense of sun and joy attached to it.
In the 17th century, Queen Victoria would become fascinated by the beauty of the stone, and as a result it would be used by Scottish men in kilt pins, shoulder broaches, and to adorn their swords and the handles of their daggers.
Grey Moonstone
Grey Moonstone is predominantly found in Sri Lanka, India, Australia, and Madagascar. It was used in Roman Jewelry since the year 100 AD. Ancient Greeks and Romans both connected the Stone with the moon deities. During the Art Nouveau period, the stone became popular again thanks to Rene Lalique, a French master goldsmith who created stunning pieces of jewelry with it.
This Gemstone helps tap into the more gentle qualities of Love and Peace, especially if the person has had to close up their emotions for survival. Grey Moonstone naturally helps compassion and tenderness unfold in a healthy way. This ability to increase empathy makes this Moonstone useful for people in leadership positions, management, and coaches also, to help them stay in touch with the people they need to direct and make decisions for. This Stone will assist the calming of fears and the smoothing out of hormonal Mood Swings. This Moonstone is a Stone that brings out the nurturing in feeling.
People in ancient Rome thought that moonstone was from solidified beams of moonlight and that the goddess Diana (the goddess of the moon) could be seen within it. It was a popular jewelry choice as people believed it helped to keep the mind clear and bestowing good fortune to the one wearing it. In India, moonstone was a traditional wedding gift because it was thought that helps to reconcile estranged lovers (two people wearing it on the full moon would fall in love).
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli with its distinctive ultramarine hue, has been widely popular since 3300–1900 BC and was highly regarded during the Pharaoh era in ancient Egypt. At the end of the Middle Ages, Lapis Lazuli began to be exported to Europe, where it was ground into powder and made into ultramarine, the finest and most expensive of all blue pigments. It was used by some of the most important artists of the Renaissance and Baroque Era, and was often reserved for the clothing of the central figures of their paintings, especially the Virgin Mary.
Lapis Lazuli stone meaning helps bridge the gap between the physical world and the spiritual realm that exists beyond the horizon in a merging of the past and present. Associated with the third eye chakra, the Lapis Lazuli meaning can be traced back to ancient Egypt where royalty believed in its power to stimulate openness to the spirit world and infinite possibilities of the imagination. It also contains prosperity and abundance qualities with its unique variations of gold and white specks from Calcite and Pyrite deposits, also known as the good luck stones.
Fashion icon and Egyptian beauty Cleopatra used the crushed powder of Lapis Lazuli in her cosmetics to create the signature eye makeup design that symbolizes an Egyptian pharaoh. It was also used to decorate tombs of King Tutt and other famous pharaohs.
The stone's name derives from the greek word for "mallow-green stone", due to its resemblance to the leaves of the mallow plant.
Fittingly enough and thanks to its name, Malachite reminds us to turn over a new leaf. If you're drawn to the vibrant Malachite crystal, it could mean that it’s time for a change. Known as the stone of transformation, the Malachite crystal meaning helps bring energy and focus to new growth while pruning off the brambles holding you back.
In ancient Egypt, Malachite was associated with death and the power of resurrection as well as new life and fertility. Ancient Egyptians believed that the afterlife contained an eternal paradise which resembled their lives but with no pain or suffering, and referred to this place as the ‘Field of Malachite’.
Mother of Pearl
The history of mother of pearl can be traced back to ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. These cultures used mother of pearl to create intricate designs on jewelry and other decorative items. In the Middle Ages, it was used to decorate religious objects, such as crosses and reliquaries. In the 19th century, Mother-of-pearl was mainly used to make buttons.
Mother of Pearl is is often referred to as the “Queen of Gems “ and is a gemstone highly considered for its spiritual properties. It is associated with the third eye chakra, which is linked to intuition, perception, and spiritual awareness. Its calming energy promotes feelings of peace and tranquility, making it a popular choice for meditation.
In ancient China, it was believed that Mother of Pearl could ward off evil spirits and bring good luck and protection. In Native American cultures, it was considered a sacred stone and was used in rituals and ceremonies.
Known as the “true Topaz” in the ancient world, yellow-green Peridot was first called Topazios. The glorious olive-colored Peridot has been under-appreciated for years, overlooked as a lesser gem. Its popularity has fallen in and out of fashion for centuries. Regardless, Peridot is a rather remarkable stone.
Created from the intense inferno of volcanoes, Peridot is believed to be a gift from Mother Nature and considered a symbol of the yearly renewal of the planet. The Peridot crystal stone meaning comes from the Arabic "fairat," the word for gem, and has been cherished for its healing properties since ancient times. Keep a Peridot stone in your pocket or wear it as jewelry and use it as your daily antidepressant that protects you from negative energy while bolstering a sense of self-worth and motivation.
Dating back to ancient Egypt, Peridot was a favorite of Cleopatra, who wore the stone for its beauty and to ward off evil spirits. It was also believed by the Romans to be a wonderful medicine for depression. According to another legend, the Queen's emeralds are actually Peridot crystals.
Pink Opal
Peru is known to have the brightest and most impressive Pink Opals, but it can also be found in other South American countries, USA, and even Australia. Opal has adopted the nickname “Peppermint candy stone”, due to its close resemblances to that of candies.
Opal has been referred to as a “stone of spiritual awakening”, due to the powerful vibrations it exhibits. It assists in self-healing and helps to rejuvenate your emotional body and aura. Pink Opal has been known to clean out one's heart space and push it into acceptance of whatever is weighing down on us. Pink Opal is a compassionate and nurturing stone, encouraging one to be their authentic self, without worrying what others think. Pink Opal can calm anxious nerves, balance and center emotions providing a sense of of peace and tranquility.
Ancient Egyptians crowned their Pharaohs with the pink opals, when the pharaoh undertook construction or work of conquest. This undertaking was based on the belief that pharaohs would become gods after death. Romans believed that pink opals would keep any romances from interfering in political affairs. Pink Cherokee tribes of North America honored pink opal as one of their seven sacred gemstones. Inca tribes in South America used pink opal to communicate with deities or spirits, particularly the Mother Goddess, Pachamama.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz remains the stone of the hopeless romantic. There is no shortage of rose quartz, which can be found in abundance in mines throughout the world. The most common sources for rose quartz are in Brazil, Madagascar, India and South Africa.
Though it’s thought of as the stone of love, it’s not just romantic love that rose quartz crystal embodies, but rather unconditional love. The way it facilitates love entering your life is through its ability to bring your consciousness to a higher level, helping you to forgive, understand and see situations from a different perspective. In that same way, rose quartz properties provide gentle energy that assists you in recognizing your own need for compassion. It allows you to see that you deserve forgiveness and understanding from yourself.
According to the myth, Cupid, the Roman god of desire, or Eros, the Greek god of love, bestowed the gift of love to humans in the form of a rose quartz. Another rose quartz myth tells of the stone receiving its color from the blood Aphrodite spilt in trying to save her dying lover Adonis. Both lovers bled over the stone, and its lasting stain is meant to represent eternal love.
The name Rhodolite is derived from the Greek word rhodon, which means “rose-colored”, and this refers to Rhodolite’s pinkish hues. Rhodolite deposits can be found in Brazil, Myanmar, China, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Tanzania, the USA and Zimbabwe.
Rhodolite will give you courage and hope, and it will strengthen your survival instincts - a very supportive stone especially when you’re facing tough challenges and experiencing traumatic situations. Rhodolite will encourage contemplation, reflection, and inspiration and will give you mental clarity and help make your perceptions clear. Rhodolite can also help improve self-confidence and get rid of your inhibitions.
Legend has it that Rhodolite is associated with the Kundalini and protect you during your meditative or channeling states of consciousness.
Sky Blue Topaz
Blue Topaz stones can be found in different places like India, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Mexico, Japan, Autralia and USA. Topaz also exists in other colors like green, yellow, brown. The name Topaz is said to come from topazos, meaning “to seek”. It was discovered by the romans on the ancient Topazios Island in the Red Sea, now called Zabargad. Some other origin relates it back to Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, where the word topas or tapaz means “fire.”
It is known as a stone of love and good fortune, and is said to release tension and encourage relaxation. Blue topaz stimulates the throat chakra and self-expression. It brings truth, wisdom, happiness, abundance and good health and helps stabilise emotions. It is said to help you recognise where you have strayed away from your own truth, helps with self-control and self-realisation. Topaz has been said to be an ideal stone for travellers, protecting them from homesickness and danger.
The Egyptians believed that topaz was coloured by the god Ra, possessing miraculous powers. In South America, many clans believed topaz could chase away sickness on the full moon. The ancient Greeks considered that it had the power to increase strength and when worn would make the person invisible. The Romans trust that it could protect from enemies and bring reconciliation. Topaz was also said to change its colour in potentiality of poisoned food or drink.
Tiger Eyes
Tiger’s eye stone history dates back thousands of years to when the golden-brown quartz was carved into amulets and talismans worn by ancient Roman soldiers to help them remain calm and courageous, stay focused and persevere.
If you're feeling creatively stuck or spiritually adrift, Tiger’s Eye serves as your spiritual compass that guides you towards the light, helping you persevere, stay calm and focused and achieve your goal. Tiger’s eye can help overcome the difficulties and steep ascending slopes in one’s career path.
Many legends about quartz say that wearing tiger's eye - otherwise a form of quartz - is beneficial for health and spiritual well being. Legend also says it is a psychic protector, great for business, as well as an aid to achieving clarity.
White Moonstone
Moonstone has been used in jewelry for centuries and millenia, it comes in a variety of colors : white, gray, orange. The Romans preferred moonstone, as they believed it was born from solidified rays of the Moon. Both the Romans and Greeks associated moonstone with their lunar deities. In more recent history, moonstone became popular during the Art Nouveau period, when French goldsmiths used Moonstone to create jewelry.Description goes here
Because of its connection to the moon, this stone rocks at soothing emotions during that time of the month. The Moonstone crystal healing properties are the best stones for balancing hormones and providing support during periods of hormonal change such as puberty or menopause.
The Moonstone Crystal stone meaning is linked with our ancient fascination with the moon, the glowing Mandala of the sky. In fact, the Hindu tradition associates this stone with the divine feminine principle and considers it a symbol of love.